Archive for the ‘retirement/unretirement planning’ Category

Have You Started Your Un-Retirement Plan Yet?

November 10, 2009

UPDATE NOTE (November 10/09): I posted this entry in May and am reposting it with an update. I am excited to announce a second blog with a new suite of offerings from Big Cheese Coaching (and yours truly) called  UNretiredLife. For boomers who will defy old notions of retirement — UNretiredLife will help them plan for and create their own version of retirement. I will continue to post at TGIMworklife on related topics and likely share posts. After all, TGIM work-life is for all stages of life — including retirement, isn’t it?  Stay tuned for lots more news on this front!


Early retirement due to job loss? Later retirement due to pension changes? No retirement due to nest egg meltdowns in this economy?!

Ahhh. Retirement planning isn’t what it used to be. As a coach who specializes in helping people define/create/actualize meaningful work and meaningful life – I am paying close attention to all this.  I am also plugged into this “conversation” because I have a long-standing (7 yrs) working relationship with an organization that promotes financial planning and standards in the profession. But I am also looking at this from more than a financial perspective. I am looking from the perspective of TGIM work-life. What will ‘thank goodness it’s Monday’ look like to boomers who are heading towards what used to be ‘retirement phase’ – but now looks nothing like traditional ‘retirement’ of past generations. This is more like an un-retirement kind of retirement. And it calls for a whole different kind of conversation!   

Some people will work longer either because they have to (financially) or they choose to (work gives them meaning).  Some will opt out earlier (package anyone?). Some will retire at the traditional retirement age. But one thing is for sure. Boomers will not be heading out to the pastures of traditional retirement the way previous generations did. Boomers (or Zoomers as defined by Moses Znaimer as “boomers with zip”) are redefining the stage of life where we might shift from traditional full time work to a life in which we create a whole new mix of work and life. Proportions and details will be up to the individual but the key is to create a work-life that meets our needs — from financial, social, spiritual, etc.

This conversation is about more than financial planning (although it should include it). It’s starts with life (and work) planning.

  • What will meaningful work look like to you? Part time/full-time? Same work or a whole new direction?
  • What will give you meaning in your life if you are working less? What passions, interests, goals will you pursue?
  • What social engagements will keep you connected?
  • Who will be your ‘communities’?

Just a few questions that will be part of conversation.

I’m ready for that conversation. For myself (I’m a young boomer) – and with others who want some help to clarify and explore the questions.

You will be hearing much more from me on this. And for those ready to start the conversation – get in touch!  Let’s talk about how you will engage in planning for your un-retirement future.

To a TGIM work-life now and in your un-retirement future!


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